Making a Difference

In the poorest regions of Honduras,
public education is only a dream to most children.
Your sponsorship makes it possible for them to attend school
and enables them to purchase the required school uniforms,
shoes, backpack, supplies, and transportation.
Because we are committed to ensuring that 100% of monies received
goes directly to the children, your donation is not child specific.
The logistics of such a program require too much administrative time
and cost that take away from the needs of the children.
Please visit the website regularly to view photos and read updates of the
ways in which your contributions are making a difference!
If you do not specifically request your donation be applied to 'Education',
the monies will be added to the General Fund.
For your convenience, set up recurring payments
through our secure PayPal site
$ 75/month
$ 50/month
$ 25/month
A one-time donation is also greatly appreciated
Click on the pictures below to learn more about a student your donation will help